Jiuzhaigou Valley: Land of Fairy Tale in Sichuan

Jiuzhaigou Valley is a nature reserve to the north of Sichuan and is well known for waterfalls and lakes. It is the habitat of the giant pandas and golden snub nosed moneys, both of which are endangered species. Jiuzhaigou is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is also one of the premier ecological sites in China.
Jiuzhaigou Valley
Jiuzhaigou Valley
Jiuzhaigou is situated more than 2,000 meters above sea level. There are 108 lakes and a number of waterfalls within the scenic area. There are three main valleys forming Jiuzhaigou, namely the Rize Valley, Zechawa Valley and Shuzheng Valley. 
Map of Jiuzhaigou Valley
Each valley has its own unique geological features and can be accessible either by hiking or taking one of the buses at the park’s entrance.

Jiuzhaigou in Summer
Jiuzhaigou in Summer
The best time to visit would be in spring and autumn. The summer months are frequently crowded while in winter the conditions often make access to the site a little bit difficult.
Jiuzhaigou Valley
Jiuzhaigou with heaven like scene

Travelers to the area either take a coach from Chengdu. The journey is 460km and take around 8-10 hours during to the mountain roads. Alternatively, they can fly in to Jiuzhaigou Airport and take a taxi or bus ride from the airport to the park’s entrance. This takes just under two hours.

Jiuzhaigou Details:
Chinese Name: 九寨沟
Address Chinese: 九寨沟县漳扎镇
Address English: Zhangzha Town, Jiuzhaigou County
How to Get There:
Direct bus from Chengdu Xinnanmen Bus Station, or direct flight to Jiuhuang Airport at Jiuzhaigou County and then catch the connecting bus from there.