Fenghuang Ancient Town: must-see attraction with Zhangjiajie

When you escape to the AWATAR world - Zhangjiajie, Fenghuang Ancient Town is also a must see attraction which should be listed in your travel list.

The Phoenix Ancient Town is situated on the western boundary of Hunan province. It is an area of outstanding natural beauty where mountains, water and blue skies prevail.
Fenghuang Ancient Town
Fenghuang Ancient Town
Upon arrival, you will be impressed by its air of mystery, elegance and primitive simplicity. This is a world that is dominated by the color green. The mountain slopes are covered with green foliage, the fields are green and even the Tuo River reflects the greenery. The bridges over the water and unique houses built on stilts display a harmony that is so often portrayed in traditional Chinese paintings. This is particularly true when mist pervades the scene in the early morning or after rain. It soon becomes apparent that the claim to being one of the two most beautiful towns in the whole of China is more than justified; the other town is Chang Ting in Fujian Province.
the Chinese painting - Fenghuang
the Chinese painting - Fenghuang
Fenghuang Ancient Town (Phoenix Ancient Town) is a wonderful example of what villages were like prior to the onset of modernization. Here dozens of alleys paved with flagstones run between the houses, each showing wear caused by the feet of generations of local people who have used them when going about their daily business. For you, these alleys are the way to see the typical high gabled wooden houses built on stilts along the banks of the Tuo River at close quarters.

>> 5 Days Culture Tour to Zhangjiajie & Fenghuang
>> 6 Days Zhangjie, Fenghuang & Changsha Tours
>> 7 Days Hunan Discovery from Changsha

Scenic Spots in Fenghuang Town:
Fenghuang Former Residence of Shen Congwen
Fenghuang Former Residence of Shen Congwen

The Rainbow Bridge in Fenghuang
Rainbow Bridge in Fenghuang

The Southern Great Wall in Fenghuang Town
Southern Great Wall in Fenghuang

Stilt House (Diaojiao House) along the River
Stilt House along Tuo River