China Discovery

2015 Yangtze River Cruise Booking Available Now

You've known that it is better to travel than never to start. How about planning your 2015 China trip right now? Good news is that the 2015 Yangtze River Cruises booking are available from now on. 

By taking a cruise on the magnificent Yangtze River, you'll enjoy moments on a journey when something sweet, some irresistible and charming as wine raised to thirsty lips, well up in the traveler's being. Surely, it will show you the old and new China, from the western, reach the middle, and to the eastern China, in the most comfortable way!
Yangtze Gorge Scenery
Yangtze Gorge Scenery

2015 Yangtze River Cruises for YOU

Since May 13, 2014, we have got the information that the top cruise companies - Victoria Cruises and Century Cruises are available for their 2015 booking. The prices they offered are with great discount. Book early and you’ll save more!

Victoria Cruises: the ONLY American Cruise Line on Yangtze

4 Days & 3 nights downstream (Chongqing=Yichang) and 5 days & 4 nights upstream (Yichang=Chongqing) are offered by the below seven Victoria ships. The 2015 price of all the ships are only from $398-$572!
Victoria Cruise on Yangtze
Victoria Cruise on Yangtze

Victoria Jenna: the newest & flagship of Victoria Cruises;
Victoria Anna: the second best ship of Victoria Cruises;
Victoria Katarina: newly rebuilt ship in winter of 2013-2014;
Victoria Selina: second class of Victoria Cruises but with same rates and service;
Victoria Grace: 2012 newly rebuilt ship;
Victoria Sophia: cruise Chongqing Yichang and also Chongqing Shanghai;
Victoria Lianna: second class of Victoria Cruises but with same rates and service.

Besides, Victoria Sophia is also offered route between Chongqing and Shanghai during March, April, October and November 2015. Cruise it only $975-$1095!
Shore Excursion along Yangtze River
Shore Excursion along Yangtze River

Century Cruises: the Evolution of Luxurious Yangtze River Cruises
4 Days & 3 nights downstream (Chongqing=Yichang) and 5 days & 4 nights upstream (Yichang=Chongqing) are offered by the below four Century ships.
Century Cruise on Yangtze
Century Cruise on Yangtze
Century Paragon: the newest ship on Yangtze from only $495-$656;
Century Legend: sister ship of Century Paragon from only $495-$656;
Century Sun: the best value ship of all the Yangtze Cruises, only $427-$599
Century Sky: the sister ship of Century Sun, only $427-$599

One thing to mention, Century Diamond is THE SHIP offers routes between Chongqing and Wuhan in 2014. There is no any news for 2015 sailings yet, please wait for our updating. Or you could read more info on our page Chongqing Wuhgan Yangtze River Cruises.
Service on Century Cruises
Service on Century Cruises
My dear friends, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living. So, what are you waiting for?! Go and sail!
Shennong Stream
Shennong Stream

How to Plan your China Travel?

How to plan your China travel? You plan it on your own, with your family or just leave all the troubles to your travel consultant?

You may think that booking a China tour can be an easy thing. You just need to click the button and send your inquiry then everything has been done perfectly by your China travel expert. However, before you get ready up on China, you still have to do some work. Don't worry. I'm here to help you make it simple with these easy steps to guide you in your China travel planning.
Matthew with his travel consulant wonder
Matthew with his travel consulant wonder
1. Who is going with you?
China is an interesting country. And your trip here will be once in a lifetime. Will you come alone, come with your family or come with a group? No matter who will be with you, just come.

One thing to mention here, it is quite safe to travel alone in the hot destinations like Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Guilin, Chengdu etc. If you travel in Tibet, you need to take the private Tibet tour or join the group tour. It is not allowed to travel alone in Tibet yet.
Cycling in Guilin with your family
Cycling in Guilin with your family

2. Where will you go in China?
I do think you have known Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors, and Giant Panda etc. Do you want to see them? In fact, China is an enormous country with diverse options for travel. There may be certain things you absolutely feel you must see, or other places you didn't even know were in China. A good way to get a feel for China is to browse my China Destination Guide. A good way to find out more about classic china sites is to peruse the Top 10 China Tours and Classic China Tours.
Zhangjiajie National Park
Zhangjiajie National Park

3. Tour or self-guided? How do you want to see China?
I know it is a big decision to go to China. You may find it is an even bigger one to decide how you will travel. Here, I suggest you to choose a reliable travel agency and take the private and customizable China tour. It will save much time, budget and energy to get all the things done. Moreover, during the tour, you will have your own car and driver, tour guide...I believe everything will go smoothly and have great experience which is more than expected.

4. When to go to China?
Different places can be visited in different seasons. Usually, it is highly recommended to visit China in spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November).

If you want to reach the Roof of the World - Tibet, go during May to October. Please check the weather forecast, temperatures before you get started.
>>Best time to visit China
Longji Rice Terrace in spring
travel Longji Rice Terrace in spring

5. Get your travel documents ready
Before you even book your tickets, you'll want to make sure you've got your passport and visa all in order. You'll need a passport that is valid for at least six months at the time you apply for your visa and you'll need it to have a few empty pages. The Chinese visa takes up an entire page. Obtaining the visa through the Chinese embassy or Consulate in your area can take up to two weeks so you don't want to leave this until the last minute.

If you go to Tibet, you'll need the Tibet permit. Please ask your travel consultant to get this issue done for you.
>> Tibet Permit for your Tibet Travel
Get your Tibet Permit
Get your Tibet Permit

6. Book your flights and accommodation
After you get the travel documents, the next step is to book your flights and accommodation. If you are going through a tour operator that is booking everything for you, there is no need to consider the accommodation.

7. Review your medical checklist
There are no required vaccinations for China but depending on what you'll be doing and where you'll be going. If you want to join the panda volunteer program, you need to provide you medical conditions.

8. Organize your money
Get acquainted with Chinese currency before you go and do a little budgeting. Also, figure out if you’d rather take traveler check, cash or and ATM card for your cash needs. When traveling with an ATM, find out from your bank if they charge an overseas withdrawal fee and find out the daily withdrawal limit.

Chinese money
Chinese money exchange

9. Traveling with children
If you'll be traveling with small children who have specific needs like diapers and formula, do some research before you go and make sure you have everything you absolutely need but haven't over-packed (e.g. you can get diapers in China!). Do some research on what they'd like to do so you have a good mix planned of adult-oriented touring mixed with kid-friendly stops.
>> China Family Tours
>> Family-friendly Activities in China

10. Start packing and Ready up on China
Packing is a big job. You may be touring many different parts of China, you need clothes for different seasons, different occasions. Bear in mind: take the necessities and travel as light as you can.
>> What to pack for your China trip?

Enjoy your China Trip
Enjoy your China Trip

Now you have got all the things ready, it is time to start your exciting China trip. Enjoy your journey!

Top 4 Buddhist Grottoes in China

Originated from India, the grottoes were built to serve Buddhism. In China, many grottoes are located in Gansu, Xinjiang, Chongqing, Henan, and Shanxi etc. Among them, there are top 4 Buddhist Grottoes well known not only in China but also all over the world. The top 4 are: 
  • Mogao Grottoes
  • Longmen Grottoes
  • Yungang Grottoes
  • Maijishan Grottoes
Let's check out the details listed below.

No.1 Mogao Grottoes
Location: Dunhuang, Gansu Province;
Feature: the best preserved of Chinese Buddhist grottoes with 1900 years' history; listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987
Dunhuang Caves
Dunhuang Caves
Magao Grottoes, or Mogao Caves, located at a religious and cultural crossroads on the Silk Road,
Form a system of 492 temples, 25 km southwest of the center of Dunhuang. It is known as the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas.

The grottoes contain some of the finest example of Buddhist art spanning a period of 1,000 years. The rooms of the grottoes were decorated with sculptures and frescoes in style, which changed over the centuries.
Mogao Grottoes
Mogao Grottoes
No.2 Longmen Grottoes
Location: Luoyang, Henan Province
Feature: with 1500 years, owns the largest number of statues among the four; listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000
Longmen Caves
Longmen Caves
Longmen Grottoes, or Longmen Caves, has over 2100 niches, more than 100,000 statues, some 40 pagodas and 3600 tablets and steles in the caves of Guyang, Binyang and Lianhua. Over 100,000 images can be found in the approximately 1,300 caves of Longmen.

It is "an outstanding manifestation of human artistic creativity" for its perfection of an art form, and for its encapsulation of the cultural sophistication of Tang China.
Longmen Grottes
Longmen Grottes
No.3 Yungang Grottoes
Location: Datong, Shanxi Province
Feature: listed in UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001
Yungang Grottoes
Yungang Grottoes
Yungang Grottoes are excellent examples of rock-cut architecture. It is considered by UNESCO a “masterpiece od early Chinese Buddhist cave art and represent the successful fusion of Buddhist religion symbolic art from south and central Asia with Chinese cultural traditions, starting in the 5th century CE under imperial auspices”.

All together the site is composed of 252 grottoes with more than 51,000 Buddha statues and statuettes.
Yungang Grottoes in Datong
Yungang Grottoes in Datong
No.4 Maijishan Grottoes
Location: Tianshui, Gansu Province
Feature: typical Danxia Landform
Maijishan Grottoes is was named for its shape – like that of a pile of wheat. There are a series of 194 caves, containing over 7200 Buddhist sculptures and over 1000 square meters of murals. The artist style of these grottoes show the influence of central Asian cultures.
Maijishan Grottoes
Maijishan Grottoes
The other grottoes like Dazu Grottoes in Chongqing, the rock carvings at Feilai Feng within the Lingyin Temple site in Hangzhou are also very popular.

It is hard to describe the magnificence, beauty of grottoes. Let's get closer and discover them with China Discovery.

Fenghuang Ancient Town: must-see attraction with Zhangjiajie

When you escape to the AWATAR world - Zhangjiajie, Fenghuang Ancient Town is also a must see attraction which should be listed in your travel list.

The Phoenix Ancient Town is situated on the western boundary of Hunan province. It is an area of outstanding natural beauty where mountains, water and blue skies prevail.
Fenghuang Ancient Town
Fenghuang Ancient Town
Upon arrival, you will be impressed by its air of mystery, elegance and primitive simplicity. This is a world that is dominated by the color green. The mountain slopes are covered with green foliage, the fields are green and even the Tuo River reflects the greenery. The bridges over the water and unique houses built on stilts display a harmony that is so often portrayed in traditional Chinese paintings. This is particularly true when mist pervades the scene in the early morning or after rain. It soon becomes apparent that the claim to being one of the two most beautiful towns in the whole of China is more than justified; the other town is Chang Ting in Fujian Province.
the Chinese painting - Fenghuang
the Chinese painting - Fenghuang
Fenghuang Ancient Town (Phoenix Ancient Town) is a wonderful example of what villages were like prior to the onset of modernization. Here dozens of alleys paved with flagstones run between the houses, each showing wear caused by the feet of generations of local people who have used them when going about their daily business. For you, these alleys are the way to see the typical high gabled wooden houses built on stilts along the banks of the Tuo River at close quarters.

>> 5 Days Culture Tour to Zhangjiajie & Fenghuang
>> 6 Days Zhangjie, Fenghuang & Changsha Tours
>> 7 Days Hunan Discovery from Changsha

Scenic Spots in Fenghuang Town:
Fenghuang Former Residence of Shen Congwen
Fenghuang Former Residence of Shen Congwen

The Rainbow Bridge in Fenghuang
Rainbow Bridge in Fenghuang

The Southern Great Wall in Fenghuang Town
Southern Great Wall in Fenghuang

Stilt House (Diaojiao House) along the River
Stilt House along Tuo River

“A Bite of China”: History and Culture about Chinese Food

Are you a foodie, especially interested in Chinese food?

Impressed by the history and story behind foods of various kinds in China?

Eager to learn how to make Chinese cuisine?
Sichuan Hotpot

From April 18 to June 6, 2014, a second season of "A Bite of China" is airing on CCTV-1, drawing an estimated 100 million viewers. Oliver Thring of The Guardian praised it as "the best TV show I've ever seen about food. I'd hazard it's the best one ever made.”

In season 2, there are 8 sets. Let’s follow the footprints of "A Bite of China" to make your tongue watered. 
A Bite of China
A Bite of China

  • Footsteps(pinyin: jiaobu; Chinese:脚步)
  • Mind (pinyin: xinzhuang; Chinese:心传)
  • Season (pinyin: shijie; Chinese:时节)
  • Homemade (pinyin: jiachang; Chinese:家常)
  • Mystery (pinyin: mijing; Chinese:秘境)
  • Meet (pinyin: xiangfeng; Chinese:相逢)
  • Three meals (pinyin: sancan; Chinese:三餐)
  • Trailer (pinyin: huaxu; Chinese:花絮)

It's all about Chinese food culture...And the story telling digs deeper into the relationship between food and people...It is worth watching, tasting and sharing.

In this documentary, it covers the local cuisines all around China like Chengdu, Leshan, Shanxi, Nyingchi, Quanzhou (in Fujian), Chongqing, Shandong, Hunan, Zhejiang etc.

Some Recommended Chinese Food:
Lotus Root and Rip Soup
Lotus Root and Rip Soup
  • Lotus root and rip soup
  • Boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili
  • Shouxing chicken in wine
  • Stinky tofu braised in soy sauce
  • Shanxi braised noodles
  • Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles
  • Roasted matsutake
  • Sichuan Hotpot
  • ...
Would you like to join us to discover the delicious, superb flavors? Discover Chinese food with your tongue now!

World Heritage Sites in China for your 2014 Travel

I bet you know Great Wall, Terracotta Army, and Potala Palace in China. But, what else do you know?

Here, I should say China is a splendid country, richly endowed with fine natural resources and many wonderful places combining scenic beauty with historical interest.

Tiananmen Square
Tiananmen Square
Until April 2014, there are 45 world heritage sites in China representing the quintessence of the nation, adequately demonstrating the magnificence, beauty and vastness that attract and intoxicate people from all over the world.

Usually, the world heritages are divided into three kinds: World Natural Heritage (10), World Cultural Heritage (31) and World Natural and Cultural Heritage (Mixed: 4).

Below is the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in China (By chronological order).

1.  Imperial Palaces of Ming and Qing Dynasties, including the Forbidden City and Mukden Palace (Beijing & Shenyang, Cultural, 1987)

2.  Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (Xian, Cultural, 1987)

3.  Mogao Caves (Dunhuang, Cultural, 1987)
Mogao Caves
Mogao Caves
4.  Mount Taishan (Shandong, Mixed, 1987)

5.  Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian (Beijing, Cultural, 1987)

6.  The Great Wall (Northern China, Cultural, 1987)

7.  Mount Huangshan (Huangshan City, Anhui, Mixed, 1990)

8.  Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area (Songpan County, Sichuan, Natural, 1992)

9.  Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area (Jiuzhaigou County, Sichuan, Natural, 1992)

10. Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area (Zhangjiajie, Natural, 1992)

11. Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains (Hubei, Cultural, 1994)

12. Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, including the Jokhang Temple and Norbulingka (Lhasa, Cultural, 1994)
Potala Palace
Potala Palace
13. Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples in Chengde (Chengde, Hebei, Cultural, 1994)

14. Temples and Cemetery ofConfucius, and the Kong Family Mansion (Qufu, Shandong, Cultural, 1994)

15. Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area (Emeishan & Leshan City, Sichuan, Mixed, 1996)
Golden Summit of Mount Emei
Golden Summit of Mount Emei
16. Lushan National Park (Lushan, Jiangxi, Cultural, 1996)

17. Ancient City of Pingyao (Pingyao, Shanxi, Cultual, 1997)

18. Classic Gardens of Suzhou (Suzhou, Jiangsu, Cultural, 1997)

19. Old Town of Lijiang (Lijiang, Yunnan, Cultural, 1997)

20. Summer Palace (Beijing, Cultural, 1998)
Summer Palace
Summer Palace
21. Temple of Heaven (Beijing, Cultural, 1998)

22.  Dazu Rock Carvings (Dazu, Chongqing, Cultural, 1999)

23.  Mount Wuyi (Northwestern Fujian, Mixed, 1999)

24.  Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui – Xidi and Hongcun (Anhui, Cultural, 2000)

25.  Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, including the Ming Dynasty Tombs and the Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum (Beijing & Nanjing, Cultural, 2000)

26.  Longmen Grottoes (Luoyang, Cultural, 2000)

27.  Mont Qingcheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System (Dujiangyan, Sichuan, Cultural, 2000)

28. Yungang Grottoes (Datong, Shanxi, Cultural, 2001)

29. Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas (Yunnan, Natural, 2003)

30.  Capital Cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom (Ji’an Jilin, 2004)

31.  Historic Center of Macau (Macau, 2005)

32.  Yinxu (Anyang, Henan, Cultural, 2006)

33.  Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries (Sichuan, 2006)

34.  Kaiping Diaolou and Villages (Kaiping, Guangdong, 2007)

35.  South China Karst (Yunnan, Guizhou and Chongqing, 2007)

36.  Fujian Tulou including Nanjing Tulou and Yongding Tulou (Fujian, Cultural, 2008)
Fujian Tulou
Fujian Tulou
37.  Mount Sanqingshan National Park (Jiangxi, Natural, 2008)

38.  Mount Wutai (Shanxi, Cultural, 2009)

39.  Historic Monuments of Dengfeng in "The Center of Heaven and Earth" (Henan, Cultural, 2010)

40.  China Danxia (Hunan, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangxi, Zhejiang and Guizhou, Natural, 2010)

41. West Lake Cultural Landscape of Hangzhou (Hangzhou, Cultural, 2011)
West Lake in Hangzhou
West Lake in Hangzhou
42.  Site of Xanadu (Xilinggol, Inner Mongolia, Cultural, 2012)

43.  Chengjiang Fossil Site (Yunnan, Natural, 2012)

44.  Xijiang Tianshan (Xinjiang, Natural, 2013)

45.  Cultural Landscape of HongheHani Rice Rerrace (Yuanyang County, Yunnan, Cultural, 2013)

Yuanyang Rice Terrace
Yuanyang Rice Terrace

Everything about Giant Panda in Chengdu

The endangered species Giant Pandas are our friends. Eager to see, hug and even volunteer the cute bears? If you are thinking so, Chengdu, of course, is the best choice for you.

Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, also called Chengdu Panda Base, is hometown of the “National Treasure” - Giant Panda.
Chengdu Giant Pandas
Chengdu Giant Pandas
Chengdu Panda Base is located no more than 10 kilometers north of Chengdu on the Futou Mountain. You could take a taxi from downtown of Chengdu, with 30-minutes’ drive. It just costs about 60 Yuan. 
Chengdu Panda Base
Chengdu Panda Base
Best Time to Visit Panda:
Opening hours: 08:00am – 17:30 pm, all year round. It is suggested you start early in the morning from your hotel. And it is good to reach Panda Base before 09:00 am, for the pandas at that time will be active (breakfast time). 
Visit Giant Panda

Tickets: 58 Yuan pp. If you are afraid of getting lost in the panda base, you could pay optiojnal fee to hire a tour guide (English-speaking guide are available here).

What to See in Panda Base:

Giant Pandas: The Panda Base is known as the best tourist destination to get closer to the rare giant panda. You can closely observe the giant pandas of different ages resting, eating and drinking, playing with each other, using enrichment toys, or watch female pandas nursing their cubs in the nursery rooms.  
The Baby Pandas are playing
Other Species to See: Besides the Giant Panda, the panda base is also inhabited by other endangered wildlife, including red pandas, swans, peacocks, birds, butterflies and hundreds of insects. 

Hug a Giant Panda:
Chengdu Panda Base offers panda-lovers the opportunity to give one of its pandas a quick squeeze for a hefty “donation” of about $330 (2000 Yuan). You have to wear gloves, shoe covers and bright blue protective clothing, but if you’re lucky, the panda might even sit on your lap. 
Hug a Panda in Chengdu Panda Base
Hug a Panda in Chengdu Panda Base
After visiting the panda, you could visit Wenshu Temple, a typical ancient monastery of Qing Dynasty in downtown Chengdu, where you can see local prayers worshiping and lighting incense. Then, visit Renmin Park to experience the most authentic Chengdu local life. Having a cup of tea in a traditional teahouse, watching the local old couples dancing, joining in the locals to play mahjong or cards in a teahouse...You will enjoy typical leisurely lifestyle of Chengdu. Later, move on to Jinli Old Street, one of the oldest streets to appreciate the local snacks and artifacts. For photographers, visit here in the evening will be the best time to get better photos with all the red lanterns lit up in the dusk.
Jinli Old Street
Jinli Old Street
See more Panda Tours? Please visit the China Panda Tours in Chengdu, Bifengxia & Sichuan at the best prices!